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Hello There

I have had a number of jobs in a bunch of different industries none of which ever amounted to a great deal or gave any real sense of satisfaction. It is these experiences along with a degree in music, 20-something years of experience in recording & production, 30-odd years of playing the guitar and a bunch of other stuff – some bad, most good – that have led me here.

I am sitting at the desk in my studio – Studio 51, if you will – having finally followed what was a long-held dream to build my own recording facility. It is filled with guitars, amplifiers, microphones, gear with bits that move all on their own and stuff that just sits there, absorbing sound. I have a booth in front of me for recording instruments and vocals and the mandatory leather sofa behind me for listening back to recordings.

I record people’s music, produce their songs, teach song-writing, make things sound great when they perhaps didn’t before and I solder lots of stuff.

I understand how lucky I am to have this studio and I don’t take for granted the opportunities it gives me. Aside from the original wooden shell, I have built and treated the whole structure myself over the course of more than two years. I can use the space for anything from writing to mastering and have every intention of continuing to do so, hopefully with a growing client-base.

It is a dream come true to have this studio (at the bottom of my own garden, no less!) but the work of making it a commercial success is just beginning.


Rich x