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And I Move on…

In spite of any impression given by the title, this is not a blog celebrating ‘how I learned to love myself, celebrate my flaws as positive traits of my spiritual self and deeply nourish my soul‘. Fuck that.

It is in fact, a lyric from a song called Move On by a guy called Louis Cardozo. It’s a lyric which I have heard a lot lately as Louis has been in the studio recording said song over the last week.

Producing an artist’s work is a funny thing. It normally starts with a demo, in this case a video of Louis performing the song on Instagram. Over the course of hours and days, ideas get thrown around, recorded, deleted, re-recorded, scrapped and replaced, and slowly as if appearing out of the fog, something discernable starts to form. It’s a sort of magical buzz that never gets old and is somehow always surprising.

You finish tracking a section, comp some takes and move on to the next part of the jigsaw. Repeat, repeat, repeat. You sporadically listen back to see how you’re going. Progress is sometimes slow but it is happening. On one of the many occasions when you hit play to see where you are, it happens; alchemy, or close to it. What you hear is recognisable and new in equal parts and the harder you work, the more obvious and distinct the image becomes.

Working with Louis has brought many of these moments so far. He has a real, genuine talent and enthusiasm for both writing and performing his songs, and he has been a dream to work with (carrot soup notwithstanding). We have two sessions left and then we should have a track. No doubt he’ll be shouting all about it and I’ll certainly be mentioning it myself.

As with all studio projects, when the gig finishes so does the time spent working and creating with that particular client. Working in a fairly small space, together, figuring out how to perform alchemy. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a very short burst of creativity and collaboration which ends as abrubtly as it starts. As always, maybe we’ll work together again, maybe that’s all there is. Either way, it never gets old and I’m always glad of the surprises.

As Louis says, Move On.